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Valuable information of trees is obtained from Qr code

 Valuable information of trees is obtained from QR Code

Qr code
Professor from Maharashtra planted will speak tree from Zimbabwe

Nagpur: 'National' in Zimbabwe
Unixindi of Sachs and Technology' (NUST) The trees in the campus have also started blooming. The 'Nuktech Talking Tree Nest' or smartphone application was unveiled here. This initiative is being implemented by the joint efforts of Shivaji Science Innovation and Incubation Center in Nagpur and the Department of Nascent Chemistry in Zimbabwe and the Department of Forestry and Forestry Management there. A group went to benefit from the inclusion and guidance of students
for a few months or tentatively 

W Could work diligently. Doctor's QR code scan please visit the application valuable information from sons Forest in Pulchane or Undergrowth Nest Resources and Wildlife Head of Chapan Department Dr. Chichinne and Nast

Dr. Bongani Ndlovu Yalala or the head of the Department of Chemistry in Zimbabwe would have participated. Thanks to their collaboration, the smartphone application 'Talking Tree Nest' is available in Zimbabwe Available to the students and local people of National University of Science and Technology campus. Collaboration between the two organizations to establish 'Talking Tree Nest The students contributed by combining their skills and interest. This project not only showcases the technical progress of the university but also underlines the importance of combining science, nature and education for a bright, green future. Dr. Dhote and his students have successfully installed smartphone applications using this method in Tororo Botanical Garden Uganda and Laos State University Nigeria.

What do experts say?

■ By scanning the QR code, the tree gives its own information, this is the first time we are seeing this and such an initiative has been established in our country for the first time, says Dr. Angela Chichinye from Mandalay. ■ 'Talking Tree Nest' is an innovative venture, soon we will

Dr. Bongani Ndlovu said that with the help of Dr. Sarang Dhote, I will establish many forest departments in Zimbabwe. ■ Science, innovation and nature brought together and brought to fruition means 'Talking Tree Project', said Dr. Sarang Dhote, the father of this concept.
Qr code

Available on Play Store.

This application is easily downloaded from Play Store. Or by scanning the 'QR code' on the tree in the premises through the app, complete information about the tree can be obtained. Being in the form of sound, Jhadach seems to be communicating with you. Because after scanning the 'QR code', Adhi would take his boat and say 'Hello' and then give automatic information.

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